Friday, September 01, 2006

Capture Muscle's Subtle Movement

During dynamic activities, the surface of the human body moves in many subtle but visually significant ways: bending, bulging, jiggling, and stretching, according to this SIGGRAGH 2006 paper. They used around 350 small markers (diameter 3.0mm with hemispherical shape) and commercial motion capture system from Vicon (12 cameras with 4 megapixel resolution capture at rate 120 frame/sec). The average distance between two neighbouring markers was 4-5mm. In order to get high precise, they located the cameras close to the subject, so the capture region was approximately 2m by 2m by 2.5m. Two cameras were set looking up rather than down to capture markers facing toward ground.

If you interested, you can downloaded the movie to see how this method work. And read the whole paper for more details.


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