Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Compiling 64 bit Qt5 using Visual Studio 2012 (Windows SDK 8.0)

Added Qt Creator 64 bit built

1, extract Qt to c:\opt\qt-5.0.2
2, download ICU and extract it under c:\opt\ICU
3, install Python 2.7.4 x86_64 (C:\Python27)
4, install ActivePerl 5.16.3 x64 (C:\opt\Perl64)
5, build 64 bit ICU, open the allinone.sln under c:\opt\ICU\source\allinone by Visual Studio 2012 and pick solution platform as x64 and build solution.
6, open VS2012 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
7, set environment variables:
set QTDIR=C:\opt\qt-5.0.2\qtbase
set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2012

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\opt\perl64\bin;c:\opt\Perl64\site\bin;c:\opt\ICU\bin64;c:\Python27;c:\Python\DLLs

set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\opt\ICU\include
set LIB=%LIB%C:\opt\ICU\lib64

8, config Qt for compiling
cd c:\opt\qt-5.0.2
configure -prefix %CD%\qtbase -release -opensource -icu -platform win32-msvc2012
9, download jom and extract it to c:\opt\qt-5.0.2\jom
10, fire the command to build Qt
c:\opt\qt-5.02.\jom\jom.exe -jN (N is the number of parallel processes)

Build Qt Creator

1,download Qt Creator and extract it to c:\opt\qt-5.0.2\qt-creator-2.6.2
2, cd c:\opt\qt-5.0.2\qt-creator-2.6.2
qmake -r
..\jom\jom.exe -jN

referenced  Vincenzo Mercuri 's post

Setting Perforce for UDK

1, Download and install Perforce Versioning Engine P4D (use default options)
2, Download and install Perforce Client P4V (use default options)
3, Download and isntall UDK Download UDK (C:\UKD\UDK-2013-02)
5, Start P4V and create a workspace for UDK, use what ever name you like, but make sure Workspace root point to where UDK installed, for my installation it is C:\UKD\UDK-2013-02.

6, Start UDK Editor